domingo, 7 de junio de 2009

Notices 2

BBC News
In the south Americs, Mexico Acapulco, apparead a 15 gunmens, and dead in a gun butlle, beacuse this bands transport drugs.
The police is trouve in the battle gun, and starts in Saturday evening, when troops a tip-off that the gunmen had ocupped a house, and officer in charge off the operation told AP.
The gunmen had a lot of grenades at the soilders, and crashed a car.
Now Acapulco is destroyed and the tourism for the swam flu and those factors created what México is the country most dangerous of the world.
In actuallity tens of thusands of troops have been deployed the country to trackle drugs-related violence.
And with this type of problems losse aproximately 9000 persons.

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