domingo, 23 de marzo de 2008

Catalonia Today 6

In the United Kingdom the goverment decided use the alternative fossil fuel.
But exists a one company who don't believe in" The idea of selling nuclear power around the world as a solution to climate change is just nonsense. This words says Neil Crumpton of The Friends of the Earth.
Other words says Neil Crumpton about of the energies: "Nuclear power is limited, dangerous and requieres a lot of hi-tech skills to deal with the waste. By far the better technology is renewables".
Neil Crumpton says with a different sites exists a one climate especific, for this question he says this: With the desert climates use the solar energy, other is where in sites of wind use the aeolic energy.
And for finish Neil says: "It is these safe, simple, easily constructed technologies that the UK and all other countries should be promoting".

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