In actuality are big problems around the world, for example, ehmm the social problems, because this today I talk about the pig influenza. ehhm.
For start I explain a little bit in which consist this new disease, and later I continue to explain, in which country starts and which country have more infected person.ehmmm. And later which countries haves this affect this problem, firstly than others, and which quantity of people have the pig influenza.ehmm
Later I explain a little bit more what problems have the people who have this disease and the country’s problems.ehmm
And finally, I explain my conclusion.ehmm
This topic is very dangerous, because is a one new influenza of the world. Now the doctors don’t know anything about this new disease. Is a lot of dangerous because with the minimum physical contact with this new disease, is possible to contract there. And the doctors in actuality don’t have vaccine, because don’t exists, but there wait for September to create this.
This influenza starts in México, and in actuality are a lot of people who have this influenza, on the firsts days the people are scary, and later the people to takes masks to don’t pass the new influenza around the world, but now exists people who haves the new disease, and comes of México, and now a lot of countries.ehmm
But isn’t only the disease problem, also the economy, ehmmmbecause the people, who work in México of the tourism, don’t win money, for the new disease, and is other important problem for the economy of this country, with the other important problem of the world.
In México, now are a lot of people, but in United States have a lot of problems with this new influenza and now are more than México. ehmmFor example: In México now are 1364 persons who have this disease, but in United States are 1639 persons who have that. ehmm
The OMS it counts are 3440 persons who have the disease in 29 countries of around the world. And Spain for example also has this problem and is 95 persons who have the disease in Spain.
But now exists a lot of people who have this problem and a lot of countries use the masks, and in México the students don’t goes to the schools in some days. And other places of the world, for don’t create a pandemic situation.
But, with this problem of the disease, countries for example China, aaand don’t accept the people who comes of México, and the people who was infected with the disease are in special rooms to don’t infect the population of China.
But countries for example México doesn’t like nothing this think of China, and says to returns the people who was infected in Chine to México. ehmmAnd now are political problems.
In my opinion this influenza is possible to extinct, and this problem is possible to disappear in September when exists the new vaccine. ehmm If the people collaborate with the instructions of the government of the OMS is possible to extinct this problem, who don’t nobody.
But it's betterly because I used more vocabulary.
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